New Sun Beam Educational Society®
New Sun Beam Educational Society®
Colonel Younus Road Hussain Abad Hazara Town, Quetta Pakistan

Rules of the School/Centre
- Students should address their teachers and all the members of the staff with due respects and politeness. They are expected to behave in a gentle manner. They should show respect and politeness to their companions too.
- Students who have been absent from class must have the reason for their absence noted in their “Regularity Record”. No leave of absence is given without a previous application in writing from the guardian. Grant of leave is entirely up to the principal.
- Students must not leave the school without the school permission. When leaving, students must give a permission card to the school staff.
- When in school, students must not make a loud noise.
- Students have to maintain identity as a student wearing school uniform, black shoes, white socks and display badge or card as may be prescribed by the school.
- Morning orientation will be given after morning assembly. Any advice must be taken and be done so seriously.
- When changing classroom, students must line up and walk quietly.
- When using special classrooms and/or rooms, e.g. computer room, library, and so on, students must obey each room's regulations.
- Any unauthorized absence exceeding fifteen calendar days, the defaulter’s name will be struck off the roll and considered withdrawn.
- Any damage done to school property should be replaced by the pupil concerned.
- Parents and guardians are not allowed to see their children or interview teachers during school hours except on meeting days.
- A candidate who has attended to recognized school cannot be admitted without a TRANSFRT CERTIFICATE/School Leaving Certificate from the school he / she last attended.
- Candidates will be listed in the standard after going through an admission test to which they seek admission.
- The school fees cover twelve calendar months and may be paid in monthly installments or in advance. Pupils are liable to be charged full fees as long as their names are officially on the rolls.
- Fees are to be paid in advance before the 10th of each month failing which a fine of Rs. 50/- will be levied for each month.
- Fees are collected on class days from 09.00 to 11.00 and 11.30 to 1.30p.m in Accountant office.
Admission & Withdrawal Rules:
- For Admission to nursery, a child will have to complete 4+ years by March of the year he / she is being admitted .
- Applicants who are local/domicile of Balochistan are eligible under Category “A”. Non-local/Non-domicile are eligible under Category “B”.
- For admission to the next upper classes the student has to qualify a written test and interview.
- The original or true copy of the Municipal Birth Registration Certificate along with the concerned student father’s NIC must be produced while submitting the admission form.
- Three passport size photos must be attached along with the admission form.
- Notice of withdrawal of a pupil must be given in writing. One month’s fee has to be paid in advance in lieu of notice.
- No TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OR LEAVING CERTIFICATE will be issued until all dues to the school have been paid in full, with a written application from parent or guardian.
- The TRANSFER CERTIFICATE will be given free of charge if taken immediately, otherwise a SEARCH FEE of Rs. 250/- will be charged.
- On leaving the school, students should return text books, library books and any school property they might have borrowed during their stay in the school.
Regular attendance is necessary for academic success. The only legal reasons for absences are: personal or family illness, death in the family or religious observance. Students who are absent for any reason must bring an absence note upon returning to school. If the absence was caused by illness, the note should be written and signed by the attending physician.
Behavior at School & Outside:
- To write or draw on the back-board, to write words, offensive to any one, or anything else are things absolutely to be avoided.
- Keep floor clean by allowing no paper etc. to fall on it.
- Cleanliness and purity of soul are reflected by a clean exterior.
- Speak no ill of your school mates, or of the discipline management of the school.
- Always speak well of your school and your teachers.
- Do not arrive late to school.
- Do not enter the school without proper uniform.
- Do not come to the school on fancy shoes, slippers and dresses.
- Do not talk loudly in class and school campus
- Students must wear school uniform
- Students must cut their hair according to the school's regulation - namely, short and natural with no artificial methods.
- Students must not wear cosmetics and other beauty accessories.
- Students must not bring valuable items to the school. If this is violated, the teachers will keep such items, which will only be returned when his/her parents come and collect it/them.
- Students must not keep textbooks and notebooks in the classroom or in the school.
- In order to promote safety, students should go only to those sections of the building where they have been scheduled.
- In order to avoid disorderly or dangerous situations, students should follow directions from teachers in class or other school personnel.
- Cursing, woofing, threatening people, fighting and attacking people are prohibited.
- Students must keep the School Building neat and clean. For any damage to the school property, a fine commensurate with the extent of damage shall be imposed on the student responsible for it.
Arriving and leaving the school
- Students must attend school regularly, as well as attend every subject according to his/her timetable.
- Students must arrive before morning assembly (8.00 a.m.)
- Any student who arrives later than the above must contact the vice-principal (discipline) for permission to attend classes.
- When leaving the school, students must present his/her ID cards to 'duty teachers'.
- Students must not stay in the school later than 1:30 p.m. unless he/she is allowed to do so.
School Library Rules:
- Only one book will be issued at a time.
- Books can be taken or returned only on Fridays.
- Books can be returned on the respective class days.
- Books overdue may be returned on any library day but not without a fine of Rs. 2/- per day.
- Books must be replaced by the borrower.
- No fine will be charged for books overdue if a letter produced showing that borrower was absent for valid reason
Computer Lab
- Enter the computer lab with prior permission of respective Lab, Teacher.
- Maintain silence in computer lab.
- Do not touch any equipment without teacher’s permission.
Eating Manners
- Students must line up when buying food from the school canteen.
- Students must sit and eat with a proper manner. Eating while walking is strongly forbidden.
- When finished eating, students must return eating utensils to the school in the area provided.
- Students must not bring food to his/her classroom.
- Students must keep the school tidy and clean.
Lost and found items
- Students must inform his/her classroom teacher or duty teacher when his/her item is lost.
- When an item is found, it should be given to the classroom or duty teacher to find the owner & return it.
Regularity Record:
- Absent from class: Staying away from school without leave is not tolerated except when the cause is sudden illness or unforeseen circumstances.
- After an absence from class, He / She must bring the reasons duly entered and signed by the guardian in the Regularity record.
- Name of the pupils who have been absent from the school for a considerable period without permission are liable to be struck off the roles and may not be re admitted.
- Students must write a letter (application) explaining his/her reasons for absence. Such a letter must have his/her parents' signature as a confirmation.
- If any student is absent more than three consecutive days, she/he must inform the school office and/or classroom teachers for a record. If sick, a letter from a doctor is required.
- If the above is not carried out, the school assumes that such a student is unreasonably absent from class.
Continuous and willful refusal to accomplish school tasks even though able to do so; insubordination; disorderly, vicious, illegal or immoral conduct, and persistent violation of school regulations are causes for suspension from school.
Because of security considerations, students are not allowed to bring visitors to school. Parents are always welcomed, but are encouraged to make an appointment to see a teacher, the principal, or visit their children's classes.
School's Uniform
Boys: Plain Blue shirt with school badge printed on pocket
Purple tie with school monogram printed on it.
Black pant, Black school shoes and ankle length white socks
Girls: Plain blue shirt with black skirt and school badge printed on lap.
Plain blue shalwar, black school shoes and ankle length white socks.
Parents and Guardians are requested to co-operate with school authorities:
- By urging their children to be regular and punctual in attendance .
- By seeing that their children are diligent at their home work and lessons .
- By insisting on neatness and cleanness in their text books, exercise books and Personal appearance .
- By attending three parents’ meeting day for knowing the progress report of their respective children.
- By occasionally interviewing the principal to discuss the progress to their children.